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  • EAC Hearing on the EAC's Election Technology Updates

    The meeting will cover updates from the agency’s Election Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP) and recent efforts from the Field Services Program.

    Learn More
    EAC Technology Updates Hearing
  • EAC 2024 Annual Report

    The EAC’s Annual Report highlights the extensive achievements of the agency and the wide range of ways the EAC Commissioners and staff support election officials and the millions of voters who cast a ballot in 2024. 

    Read the report!
    eac 2024 annual report
  • Election Administration

    EAC 2024 Post-Election Hearing

    On December 10, the EAC held this event at the LA County’s Ballot Processing Center. Election officials discussed topics such as election security, contingency planning, and serving voters during the 2024 elections. The recorded video is viewable on the event page. 

    Learn more
    A dark blue background fills the frame. In a white and red bar is a circular EAC logo with text to the right that reads "2024 Post-election Hearing". Below are three rows of text in white reading "Tuesday, Dec. 10, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. PT, LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office, City of Industry, CA." Below in white bar reads "Attend virtually or in person." To the right of the frame are two bland white photos of the White House and US Capitol.  
  • Voter Guides

    Be Election Ready: Video Guides for Voters are Available!

    This 6-part video series walks voters through the voting process from start to finish and highlights crucial topics that will help voters be election-ready. Editable materials are available for Election Officials to customize and share with their voters.

    Video Guides: Registering to Vote, Making a Plan to Vote, Voting by Mail, Voting in Person, Trusted Sources of Information, Election Results

    Learn more
    Alt. Text: A light blue white gradient background fills the frame. Top center in bold blue font reads "Be Election Ready: Video Guides for Voters". Below centered is a computer screen with an image of an EAC video resource titled "Registering to Vote". Bottom left is the EAC logo.

Advancing Safe, Secure, Accurate, and Accessible Elections

U.S. Election Assistance Commission logo black and white

Advancing Safe, Secure, Accurate, and Accessible Elections

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent, bipartisan commission whose mission is to help election officials improve the administration of elections and help Americans participate in the voting process.

As the only federal agency solely focused on election administration, the EAC works to protect the nation’s election equipment, support election officials, serve voters, and ultimately help make elections safe, secure, accurate, and accessible by fulfilling this mission.


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Featured Election Administrator Topics

Secure Elections icon

A collection of resources and tools that have been created to assist state and local election officials in effectively...

Chain of Custody icon

Security resources and quick reference tools that promote personal, cyber, and physical safety practices for election...

Election Official Tools icon

A reference for election officials on election processes and best practices.


Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

Resources and materials to promote understanding, guidance, and next steps for the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0.

Language Access Resources icon

Best practices, materials, and guidance to support election officials in providing equal and accessible voting.

Poll Watchers icon

EAC monthly newsletters feature a summary of updates, events, resources, and news.

Latest Election Admin Resources

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

A set of recommendations for conducting pre-election testing on ESTEP technologies.

National Voter Registration Form icon

List of U.S. federal agencies that election officials can contact to report incidents.

Submit a Complaint icon

Election Resources for Voters and Election Officials after experiencing a natural disaster.

Studies & Reports icon

Report that examines state-level methods, policies, resources, etc. of existing voter education and outreach efforts.

Poll Watchers icon

Election offices can participate in a national social media effort to recognize their election workers with customizable...

Submit a Complaint icon

Resource to develop an incident communications plan for providing effective, accurate, and timely information.

Latest Video

Ever Wondered About Election Security?

The EAC has answers, showing the stages and measures taken in elections to ensure an eligible voter's ballot is secure.

Featured Voter Resources

Register to Vote in Your State icon

State look-up tool that will provide links to information including the official state office website, information about...

Voting System Certification Process icon

Sign up to be a poll worker! Use our Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool to find information on being a poll worker in your...

Voter FAQs icon

Find answers to popular questions on voter registration, ways to vote, how elections work, and much more.

National Voter Registration Form icon

The National Mail Voter Registration Form can be used to register U.S. citizens to vote, to update registration information...

Poll Watchers icon

Voters have commonly asked questions on many aspects of voting. While the specifics may vary on the state and local level,...

Election Technology Resources

Voting System Certification Process icon

This program provides federal testing and certification for voting systems.

Voting System Certification Process icon

This program provides federal testing, certification, and support for election-supporting technologies.

Voting System Certification Process icon

This program assists states and local jurisdictions in post-certification activities including systems verification and...

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) are a set of specifications and requirements against which voting systems can be...

Voting Equipment FAQs icon

EAC operated testing and certification program that tests and certifies election hardware and software.

Voting System Certification Process icon

Searchable list of certified voting systems/equipment that have been accredited by the EAC.

Featured Research

Surveys & Data icon

A comprehensive Report, an analysis of state-by-state data that covers various topics related to the administration of federal...

EAVs FAQ icon

Find answers to popular questions about the EAVS report, collection of EAVS data, and how the data is evaluated.

Datasets, Cookbooks, and Survey Instruments icon

This research document tracks the mail ballot deadlines across six election cycles from 2012 to 2022 and shows key...