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About the EAC

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent, bipartisan commission whose mission is to help election officials improve the administration of elections and help Americans participate in the voting process.   

About the EAC

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) was established by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). The EAC is an independent, bipartisan commission charged with developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and serving as a national clearinghouse of information on election administration. The EAC also accredits testing laboratories and certifies voting systems, as well as audits the use of HAVA funds. 

Other responsibilities include maintaining the national mail voter registration form developed in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993

HAVA established the Standards Board and the Board of Advisors to advise the EAC. The law also established the Technical Guidelines Development Committee to assist the EAC in the development of voluntary voting system guidelines. In 2021, the EAC also established the Local Leadership Council composed of two election official leaders from each state. 

The four EAC commissioners are appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The EAC is required to submit an annual report to Congress as well as testify periodically about HAVA progress and related issues. The commission also holds public meetings and hearings to inform the public about its progress and activities. 

What is the U.S. Election Assistance Commission?

Featured About the EAC Materials & Quick Links

  • EAC Commissioners

    The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) specifies that four commissioners are nominated by the President on recommendations from the majority and minority leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

  • EAC Advisory Boards

    Established advisory committees that help the EAC complete its mission; Standards Board, Board of Advisors, Technical Guidelines Development Committee, and Local Leadership Council. 

  • Contact U.S. EAC

    EAC contact information and inquiry submission form. 

EAC Operations

Secure Elections icon

Agency policies, annual reports, and other reports. 

Datasets, Cookbooks, and Survey Instruments icon

Agency budgets and justifications, agency financial reports, and other reporting. 

National Voter Registration Form icon

Find policies, careers, and surveys. 

Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

Policies, contact information, and the FOIA reading room. 

Poll Watchers icon

Learn how to become a part of our EAC staff.

More EAC Information

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Learn how to sign up to help in your community and what being a poll worker means. 

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The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 was passed by the United States Congress to make sweeping reforms to the nation's...

Studies & Reports icon

Information on testimony and hearings from the EAC's two congressional committees:(1) Committee on House Administration,...

Datasets, Cookbooks, and Survey Instruments icon

The fiscal year activities reports (annual report) summarize EAC's efforts to improve federal election administration.

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

View the EAC Social Media Policy.

Voting System Certification Process icon

No Fear Act Annual Report, Anti-discrimination Laws, Whistleblower Protection Laws, Retaliation for Engaging in...

Secure Elections icon

View the EAC's privacy statement information.

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

The FOIA Reading Room contains frequently requested documents as well as EAC statements, correspondence, and administrative...

Poll Watchers icon

The following materials include documentation that supports and guides the EAC in Equal Employment Opportunity efforts....

Latest Election Official Resources

Voter FAQs icon

To aid in voter education efforts, this 6-part video series includes editable materials for election officials to customize....

PDF icon

This memo includes feedback from EAC advisory board members and provides additional insight, support, and resources to...

Voting System Certification Process icon

Video series and resource checklists designed to provide information and guidance to new election officials.

Voter FAQs icon

Step-by-step instructions and templates for designing effective communication materials that are relevant, timely, and...

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

To address the continued need for poll workers find customizable social media graphics, video templates, outreach/...

Voter FAQs icon

Guide to apply communication best practices using customizable worksheets on topics such as messaging, audience, and format....

Latest EAC Videos

Be Election Ready: Video Guides for Voters

Poll Worker Recruitment Video Series

A Secretary of State's Swatting Experience and Advice