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Election Admin

Election officials need support to maintain and improve election systems. The EAC is a trusted partner in this important endeavor.

Election Admin

Featured Election Official Materials

  • Resources for Election Officials

    The EAC’s latest products and best practices for election officials.

  • Clearinghouse Awards

    Information on the EAC's annual award program to recognize innovative efforts from state and local election offices.

  • Voting Accessibility

    Resources for officials and voters so all eligible voters can cast a ballot privately and independently.

Election Official Topics

Secure Elections icon

a comprehensive resource  for election officials with 19 chapters on a range of election topics

Election Official Tools icon

26 guides that summarize and highlight election administration information in the U.S.

National Voter Registration Form icon

Resources, Research, Data, and Projects related to supporting Military and Overseas Voters. 

Language Access Resources icon

customizable toolkits listed for a range of elections office needs

Poll Watchers icon

A series of simulation videos that replicate common Election Day issues and help election officials evaluate a variety of...

Secure Elections icon

The purpose of this webpage is to provide resources and information related to Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Chain of Custody icon

best practices from voting system manufacturers to properly clean equipment

Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

best practices for natural disaster planning and health emergencies, and other COOP resources

Chain of Custody icon

a variety of federal, state, and local jurisdiction resources related to language access for voters

Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

keep up with EAC news with monthly newsletters featuring a summary of updates, events, resources, and news.

Poll Watchers icon

a quick reference for election officials who may be facing personal threats while at work

Voting Equipment FAQs icon

Resources to support election officials in communicating about the continued security and certification of VVSG 1.0 and 1.1...

Chain of Custody icon

resources for officials and voters so all eligible voters can cast a ballot privately and independently

Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

nearly 1,300 terms and phrases used in the administration of elections in the U.S.

Poll Watchers icon

information on the EAC's annual award program to recognize innovative efforts from state and local election offices

Studies & Reports icon

information on DHS' designation of elections as critical infrastructure

Studies & Reports icon

example guidance from national, state-level, and local jurisdictions on poll watchers, or election observers

Studies & Reports icon

materials and information on the Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) 

Studies & Reports icon

a series of guides and sharing State User Acceptance and Logic & Accuracy test procedures to help election officials, of...

Latest Election Official Resources

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

A set of recommendations for conducting pre-election testing on ESTEP technologies.

National Voter Registration Form icon

List of U.S. federal agencies that election officials can contact to report incidents.

Submit a Complaint icon

Election Resources for Voters and Election Officials after experiencing a natural disaster.

Studies & Reports icon

Report that examines state-level methods, policies, resources, etc. of existing voter education and outreach efforts.

Poll Watchers icon

Election offices can participate in a national social media effort to recognize their election workers with customizable...

Submit a Complaint icon

Resource to develop an incident communications plan for providing effective, accurate, and timely information.

Latest Election Official Videos

Ever Wondered About Election Security?

Working Together: Supporting the 2024 Elections through Federal Partnerships

Poll Worker Recruitment Video Series