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Election Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP)

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What is ESTEP? 

Under the authority of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), the EAC began exploring the need to develop federal standards for election-supporting technologies in 2021. To achieve this goal, the EAC developed the Election Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP), responsible for the creation of draft standards that can be used by voting system test laboratories (VSTLs) or other testing partners, creation of program manuals, administration of pilot programs and test campaigns, and reporting on the results of these campaigns. This program was formally established in 2022, through employing its first Director, and received congressional funding for the development of a full program in 2023. This additional funding permitted the EAC to conduct the Voluntary Electronic Poll Book Pilot Program, contract with VSTLs to conduct testing, employ four Election Technology Specialists to oversee program activities, and purchase additional program resources. On December 4, 2023, EAC Commissioners voted unanimously to formally adopt ESTEP as a permanent part of the agency. ESTEP aims to establish requirements and guidelines specific to election technologies that are not covered under the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG), which includes electronic poll books (EPBs), electronic ballot delivery (EBD) systems, election night reporting (ENR) systems, and voter registration (VR) systems.  


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Election Supporting Technology Evaluation Program  

Featured Resources

  • ESTEP Manuals & Forms

    Participation is voluntary in ESTEP Programs, but if commercial or in-house manufacturers decide to participate, they must conform to these procedural requirements.

  • ESTEP Registered Manufacturers

    Election supporting technology manufacturers registered with the EAC.

  • Voluntary Electronic Poll Book Certification Program (VEPBCR)

    The EAC is now accepting form submissions to initiate the process for electronic poll book testing and certification.

  • Electronic Ballot Delivery (EBD) Systems

    Ballot delivery systems are used for the electronic delivery of ballot and voter information packets.

  • Election Night Reporting (ENR) Systems

    Election night reporting software facilitates the collection, aggregation, reporting, and secure sharing of accurate election results to the public in real-time, usually through an official website.

  • Voter Registration (VR) Systems

    A combination of hardware, software, firmware, materials, and documentation used to automate the voter registration process and secure voter information.

  • ESTEP Guidance for Pre-Election Testing

    This guidance provides a set of written instructions describing the baseline process for conducting pre-election testing on ESTEP technologies.

Electronic Poll Book (EPB) Resources

Voting Equipment FAQs icon

This report provides information on increasing EPB adoption, functions, and applicable state laws and regulations.

Datasets, Cookbooks, and Survey Instruments icon

Learn more about the usage of EPBs in your state.

Register to Vote in Your State icon

Learn more about the regulations for EPBs in your state.

Voting System Certification Process icon

These requirements are to be used by EPBs manufacturers to achieve federal certification.

Election Audits Across the U.S. icon

Learn more about the EPBs that have been evaluated by ESTEP. 

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines icon

Used for conducting a pre-election check of systems that automate the process of checking in voters, assigning ballot styles,...

Surveys & Data icon

Learn more about the program highlights and findings of ESTEP’s Voluntary E-Poll Book Pilot Program.

Related Videos

ESTEP Update Meeting December 4, 2023