The EAC Office of Grants Management develops and issues guidance and training for grantees on the management of federal funds received under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). The policies and guidance provided on the following pages are based on inquiries and clarifications submitted by grantees and have been developed in accordance with the federal regulations and requirements established by HAVA, Congressional appropriation law, and 2 CFR 200.
Grantees are encouraged to contact the Grants Office directly ([email protected]) for specific grants-related inquiries.
HAVA Guidance, Policies & Advisories
The following guidance, policies, and advisories are intended to help grantees comply with the requirements of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and related federal laws, policies, and regulations.
HAVA Requirements and General Grants Guidance
Allocability of Cybersecurity Enhancements
Implementing Statewide Voter Registration Lists
Interpretation of Material Changes to State Plans
Program Income and Set-off of Cost Incident to Program Income
Lever Voting Machines and HAVA Section 301(a)
How to determine if a voting system is compliant with Section 301(a)
Provisional Voting and Identification Requirements
Interest on HAVA Title I, Section 101 Funds
Accessible Voting Systems for In-person Absentee Voting
Grants Primer for Election Officials
Allowable Use of Funds
Using HAVA Funds for Public Records Requests
Food and Refreshment Guidance for HAVA Grants
HAVA Grant Earned Interest Guidance
Formula Grant Supplanting Guidance
Allowable Use of Funds: Expanded Physical Security 6/20/2024
Allowable Use of Funds: Combatting AI-Generated Mis- and Disinformation 3/21/2024
Allowable Use of Funds: Physical Security Services and Social Media Threat Monitoring 6/2/2022
Use of HAVA Funds for Criminal Investigation
Satellite In-Person Absentee Voting Locations
Use of funds provided by counties as part of the State’s matching funding under Title II of HAVA
Use of HAVA Funds for Expenses Related to COVID-19
EAC Policies
Memorandum on Use of HAVA Funds to Implement Federal Requirements 8/28/24
Use of Funds to Counter AI Generated Election Disinformation Under Funding Decision Policy 2/14/24
Election Cybersecurity Allocability Under Funding Decision Policy 7/27/23
Disposition of Equipment Purchased with HAVA Funds
Authority to Issue Funding Decisions on Use of HAVA Funds 5/28/15
Policy on Maintenance of Expenditure 6/28/10
Program Income as Match 6/11/04
Clarification Regarding Allowable Uses of HAVA Funds Authorized under Titles I and II 3/20/08