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EAC National Clearinghouse Awards Information

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A voter's hand drops a bright red ballot into a box. The voter's hand is navy blue while the ballot box is sky blue. The text "Clearinghouse Awards" is next to the ballot box also in sky blue.

Each year, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) invites submissions for its national Clearinghouse Awards, or Clearies for short. Under the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), the EAC is charged with serving as a clearinghouse for election administration information. By celebrating innovative efforts from state and local election offices, the Clearies helps the EAC to fulfill this important mission.

Throughout the 2023 elections, election officials and their staff have continued to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving elections landscape. EAC Commissioners frequently visit offices at the state and local level and recognize the tremendous efforts needed to address issues ranging from vital security concerns to growing accessibility needs.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has announced the 32 winners of the Clearinghouse Awards, recognizing best practices in election administration.

Also known as the “Clearies,” the awards program celebrates the hard work of election offices across the country for programs that took place in 2023. Winning jurisdictions range from counties with 25,000 registered voters to states with over 7 million.

In addition to the Clearie winners, 20 election offices were recognized with
Clearie Honorable Mention awards.

 If you have questions, please email [email protected].




The Clearies are awarded in eight categories: 

  • Outstanding Use of HAVA Grants in Elections Modernization: Impactful initiatives or programs that were developed using HAVA grant funding. 

  • Outstanding Election Official State Association Program: Innovative and helpful programming developed by election official associations or exemplary work demonstrated by local election offices. 

  • Improving Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities: Initiatives that help further voting access for people with disabilities while upholding the provisions in HAVA and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

  • Outstanding Innovations in Elections: Programs that use creative tools to improve election administration, while advancing new and innovative concepts. 

  • Best Practices in Recruiting, Retaining, and Training Poll Workers: Programs that enhance the recruitment, training, and retention of vital election workers.

  • Creative and Original "I Voted" Stickers: “I Voted” stickers that exemplify voter education, outreach, and community flair. For more information, see the EAC’s blog post announcing the launch of this category.

  • Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and Technology: Security-focused initiatives that safeguard voting systems and strengthen U.S. elections. 

  • (NEW) Distinguished Voter Education and Communications Initiatives: Entries must highlight programs that improve voter education and communications activities. Qualifying programs may include direct communications with voters, online communications, collaborations with local media, collaborations with local schools or other educational organizations, improvements in the design of voter-facing printed materials, or other programs to help voters better understand the election process.

Please note:  

  • Jurisdictions may not win the same Clearie category two years in a row. 

  • A prior submission that has won a Clearie award may not be submitted again in the subsequent year.

  • A jurisdiction is welcome to submit as many programs as they wish.

  • If a jurisdiction’s entry is currently part of legal proceedings, the program will not qualify for consideration.

Submissions are judged on:

  • Innovation: The submission presents a new and original idea. 

  • Sustainability: The submitted program will provide long-term benefits, can be maintained at its current level, and can be expanded as the need arises. 

  • Outreach Efforts: The organization successfully raises awareness and involves the community. Public engagement is encouraged through educational presentations, community outreach activities, workshops, social media postings, and other methods. 

  • Cost-effectiveness: The submitted program produces positive results while exercising disciplined spending parameters. 

  • Replicability: The submission can be reproduced by other election officials and will achieve similar results. With modification, the program can be altered to address changing circumstances or the needs of other jurisdictions. 

  • Generating Positive Results: The submitted program attains successful outcomes for elections and voters. Program outcomes are quantifiable and measurable. 

View all previous year's winners!

2022 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2021 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2020 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2019 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2018 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2017 Clearinghouse Award Winners

2016 Clearinghouse Award Winners

A voter's hand drops a bright red ballot into a box that reads "Clearinghouse Awards."  The voter's hand is navy blue while the ballot box is sky blue with a separate grey background behind the word "Awards."