Best Practices: FAQs for Election Officials (Full PDF Version)
FAQ Toolkits (Full PDF Version)
FAQs Top 5 (Full PDF Version)
FAQ Toolkit Graphics (Zip File)
FAQ Toolkit Graphics How To (YouTube Video)
Using the FAQs for Election Officials Toolkit (YouTube Video)
Election administration in the United States is highly decentralized, with each state having a unique set of laws that govern voting procedures. Federal law provides some basic minimums to which the states must adhere. Therefore, the best source of practical registration and voting information is your local election official. To find your local election office, use the EAC’s Register and Vote in Your State Tool to select your state and click the link to the local election office directory.
Recognizing the breadth of voting practices throughout the country and that local election officials are the best source of trusted information, the EAC’s Best Practices: FAQ toolkit is designed to assist election officials in creating (or improving) FAQs for their websites. Additionally, the toolkit provides social media guides that election officials can use to quickly promote their FAQs as a trusted source of information. The toolkit includes:
- Frequently Asked Questions and Suggested Answers
- Infographics with Voter Information
- Social Media Graphics and Messaging
Election officials are encouraged to augment their existing materials with this information, use these materials as a starting point for customized information, or use these materials as-is.
Voters from all over the country frequently have similar questions, and here the EAC addresses those questions from the federal perspective. Additional FAQs covering grants, voting system certification, and the Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) can be found at the links below: