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Clearinghouse Resources on Communications

Monday, September 16, 2024
Image of four people, in a circle, with arrows connecting one person to the next; with discussion bubbles in the center of the circle. "Communications"

The resources below are designed to help election officials communicate with their various audiences about a variety of election topics. 

Please refer to our main Clearinghouse Resources page for more best practices, tools, and guidance on other topics. 




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Visit Clearinghouse Resources on Voter Education, Clearinghouse Resources on Language Access, or Language Access Resources to find additional resources. 

Communication Resources

  • Video Training Series: Communications 101

    Interactive video training series with short activities designed to illustrate core concepts related to public communication. Available on the EAC's YouTube channel.

  • Voter Education Design Toolkit

    Toolkit includes best practices, sample text, and templates for designing effective communication materials covering voters' most basic questions. 

  • Election Official Social Media Toolkit

    Toolkit with over 150 customizable images accompanied by alt text, sample posts, and quick tips for community management & social media etiquette. 

  • Communication Resources for New Election Officials

    Part of the 2024 Presidential Election Readiness series, this YouTube video features a discussion about how election officials can communicate effectively before, during, and after an election.   

  • Enhancing Election Security Through Public Communications

    Joint EAC/CISA guidance to help election officials apply communication best practices to election infrastructure security topics. 

  • Communicating Election and Post-Election Processes Toolkit

    Customizable templates for educational materials about pre- and post-election processes, including graphics & info sheets. Covers processes from voter registration through certification and ballot storage.

  • Accessibility Checklist: Accessible Communications

    Guide on creating accessible communications across different mediums, including electronic documents, in-person communications, videos and virtual meetings, and social media posts. 

  • Communications 101

    Guide covering the basics for successful communication with the public, including planning, branding & messaging, media relations, holding events, & crisis communication strategies. 

  • Communications Checklist

    Best practices and other resources about successful election communication, including award-winning strategies from election offices across the country.

  • Best Practices for Writing FAQs

    Toolkit for creating or improving FAQs on election office websites, plus answers to voters’ “Top 5” questions and social media templates to promote answers to common questions.

  • Chapter 5: Communicating with the Public

    Chapter 5 of the 2nd edition of the Election Management Guidelines, published in 2023, covers best practices and common questions related to communicating with the public.

  • Quick Start Guide: Media and Public Relations

    Guide outlining three key steps election officials can take to communicate proactively with media and the public.