The resources below are designed to help election officials understand election laws and policies from state to state.
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Election Law & Policy Resources
How to Work With State Legislators
Joint guide from the EAC & NCSL outlines five key principles to empower local election officials to engage with legislators and the legislative process.
State Election Profiles
Joint EAC/NCSL election administration profiles for all 50 states, documenting each state’s policies on election topics and providing a national comparison for each.
Guide to Election Certification
State-by-state deadlines and policies on election certification, last updated in 2022.
Write-In Voting Report
Outlines the different ways states and jurisdictions handle write-in votes, both in terms of the need for write-in candidates to pre-register and the different ways write-in votes are counted.
Alternative Voting Methods in the United States
Provides information on the use of voting methods other than single-winner plurality voting, including approval, cumulative, limited, "top-2/4," ranked choice, and STAR methods.
Mail Ballot Deadlines, 2012-2022
Research tracking state mail ballot deadlines across six election cycles, highlighting states, territories, and federal districts that saw changes over time.
Overview of Federal Election Laws
List of major federal laws that impact elections, along with links to the statutory text.