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Election Technology Security

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Best Practices for Election Technology

Election administration requires careful attention to security to maintain the integrity of the entire voting process. Election officials must develop and follow procedures to ensure the security of all components of the election process—from voter registration through final results certification. Best Practices for Election Technology highlights security features that are essential for protecting election technology.  

Election officials can use this resource as a guide for assessing their own processes. Each section of this report includes a chart that provides an overview of the security measures election officials can use to secure their devices and systems. Additionally, each chart includes parts of the security process that can be communicated to the public. 

This document can also be used by the public to better understand the types of security measures local election officials use to protect their election technology. While every state and local jurisdiction is unique, the security measures and procedures included in this document are common best practices across the United States.  

Election Technology Security Measures by Equipment Type

Election officials and the public can see a complete list of security measures, organized by equipment type, in the interactive report below: 


Click the full-screen icon to see a larger view of this report.


Election Technology Security Icons

Best Practices for Election Technology uses a variety of icons to illustrate key concepts of election security. Election officials are encouraged to download and use these icons to help communicate how they secure elections and voting systems at the local level. All icons used in the best practice guide are available in multiple formats at the link below.  

Template Resources

Download the entire icon library (Zip File)