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TGDC Meeting - 4.20.05

Start Time
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:00 AM

End Time
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:00 PM

The Technical Guidelines Development Committee (the “Development Committee”) has scheduled a plenary meeting for April 20-21, 2005. This meeting will be open to the public. There is no fee to attend, but, due to security requirements, advance registration is required. Registration information will be available at by March 31st, 2005.


The Committee was established pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 15361, to act in the public interest to assist the Executive Director of the Election Assistance Commission in the development of the voluntary voting system guidelines. The Technical Guidelines Development Committee held their first plenary meeting on July 9, 2004. At this meeting, the Development Committee agreed to a resolution forming three working groups: (1) Human Factors & Privacy; (2) Security & Transparency; and (3) Core Requirements & Testing to gather information and public input on relevant issues. The information gathered by the working groups was analyzed at the second meeting of the Development Committee January 18 & 19, 2005. Resolutions were debated and adopted by the TGDC at the January plenary session. The resolutions defined technical work tasks for NIST that will assist the TGDC in developing recommendations for voluntary voting system guidelines. At the March 9, 2005 meeting, NIST scientists presented preliminary reports on technical work tasks defined in resolutions adopted at the January plenary meeting and adopted one additional resolution. The Development Committee will review a draft document of initial recommendations for voluntary voting system guidelines at the April 20th & 21st, 2005 meeting.

Contact Information

Allan Eustis 301-975-5099. If a member of the public would like to submit written comments concerning the Committee’s affairs at any time before or after the meeting, written comments should be addressed to the contact person indicated above, or to [email protected].

Event Documents


technical guidelines development committee (TGDC)