Start Time
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 1:00 PM
End Time
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 2:30 PM
The EAC’s Local Leadership Council (LLC) will host a virtual meeting on February 21, 2023, that will be live streamed on the EAC’s YouTube Channel. During the meeting, the EAC’s LLC members will examine the council’s organizational structure and consider the adoption of the initial committee Bylaws.
The LLC Bylaws establish the guidelines for the conduct of the council members, meetings, and subcommittees. The Bylaws cover several topics, including the process for calling and conducting meetings, the establishment of committees, the structure of the Executive Committee, the makeup of Regional Committees, and the process of holding elections.
As leaders and officials who work firsthand to administer elections at the local level, the LLC provides recommendations and direct feedback to the EAC on a range of topics such as voter registration, voting system user practices, ballot administration (programming, printing, and logistics), processing, accounting, canvassing, chain of custody, certifying results, and auditing.
The EAC appoints two members from each state to the 100-member LLC after soliciting nominations from each state’s election official professional association. Members of this advisory board, which was established in June 2021, must be serving or have previously served in a leadership role in a state election official professional association when appointed. The LLC currently comprises 88 appointed members.