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Help America Vote College Program

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Help America Vote College Programs opened for applications on November 16, 2023. The Programs closed for applications on December 18, 2023. Award recipients were announced on February 8, 2024

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) awarded $1 million dollars in discretionary grant funding, enacted in the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act, to support the Help America Vote College Program (HAVCP) authorized in the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

Eligible organizations include accredited colleges (including community colleges) and universities, nonprofit organizations, and local and state election offices.

The HAVCP grant competition included funding for two separate grant programs: The HAVCP Poll Worker grant and the HAVCP Service Day Mini-Grant. Applicants could apply for either the 2-year Poll Worker Grant Program OR the 1-year Service Day Mini-Grant Program.

View Previous Help America Vote College Program Recipients.

Help America Vote College Poll Worker Program

The purpose of this grant program is to:

1. Encourage students enrolled at institutions of higher education (including community colleges) to assist State and local governments in the administration of elections by serving as nonpartisan poll workers or assistants;

2. Encourage college students to become cognizant of the elections process and civic education, and to assist in the administration of elections in their community; and

3. Encourage state and local governments to use the services of the students participating in the program.


Help America Vote Service Day Mini-Grant Program

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) announces the availability 5-15 Help America Vote College Program Service Day Mini-Grants to help elevate civic participation on college campuses and inspire college students to volunteer their time and talents to help others participate in the democratic process as poll workers. The Service Day Mini-Grant Program will allow grantees to support poll worker recruitment efforts through activities related to National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and Help America Vote Day only.

National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, August 1, 2024, is a national awareness day established by the EAC to encourage people to help America vote by serving as poll workers. By encouraging more people to become poll workers in their communities, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day aims to address the critical shortage of poll workers, strengthen our democracy, inspire greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and help ensure free and fair elections.

Help America Vote Day, January 30, 2024, a second day of action created by the EAC aims to address the nationwide shortage of poll workers. Poll workers are critical to the success of an election and provide a positive voting experience by ensuring voters receive the assistance they need at the polls. National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and Help America Vote Day can be used to kick off recruitment efforts or supplement ongoing recruiting for poll workers in their community. Applicants of the Poll Worker program may include all service day activities in their grant application and budget.

Grantee Resources

HAVCP Press and Social Media Toolkit

SF-270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement

SF-270 Examples:

SF-270 Service Day - Marked Up

SF-270 Poll Worker 1st Reimbursement - Marked Up

SF-270 Poll Worker 2nd Reimbursement - Marked Up


Federal Financial Report with Instructions - HAVCP



Video Library

HAVCP Poll Worker (PW) Orientation

Recording of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's New Grantee Orientation for the Help America Vote College Program's Poll Worker Program grantees. This session, conducted on 2/21/24, covers the grant award acceptance and implementation timeline, how to receive payments, the risk assessment process and grantee monitoring, the required reporting, and frequently asked questions.

Poll Worker Reimbursement Details 3.13.24

This Poll Worker Grant training illustrates how to submit a reimbursement request using the manual process and SF-270.

HAVCP Poll Worker Reporting Walkthrough

This video guides Poll Worker grantees through submission of FFR and Progress Report.

HAVCP Quarterly Program Call on Civic Engagement 7.17.2024

Guest presenter, Monica Childers, EAC Senior Election Subject Matter Expert leads a discussion on effective collaboration to foster civic engagement.

HAVCP Service Day (SD) Orientation

Recording of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's New Grantee Orientation for Help America Vote College Program's Service Day Mini-Grant Program grantees. This session, conducted on 2/21/24, covers the grant award acceptance and implementation timeline, how to receive payments, the risk assessment process and grantee monitoring, the required reporting, and frequently asked questions.

Service Day Reimbursement Details 3.13.24

Important Service Day Grant updates and instructions on completing the SF-270 for advanced fund disbursement.

HAVCP Quarterly Program Call on Communications 5.15.2024

Guest presenter, Kristen Muthig, EAC Director of Communications leads a discussion on communications best practices and community-centered engagement.

HAVCP Quarterly Program Call on Fraud Awareness 10.16.2024

Guest presenters, Sarah Dreyer, EAC Acting Inspector General and Joshua Shoemaker, Senior Auditor.