National Poll Worker Recruitment Day January 25, 2022
HelpAmericaVote.gov has a tool to help people find information on how to sign up as a poll worker in their community. Election officials, please visit this site and make sure the information for your jurisdiction is correct. Email helpamericavote.gov if you have any updates.
As we get closer to National Poll Worker Recruitment Day 2022, we are looking to highlight exceptional poll workers in our campaign. If you have worked with any stand-out poll workers that you think should be featured, please email [email protected] with their information along with a short blurb as to why you are submitting them.
Looking Ahead to 2022 - Upcoming events
2021 Clearie Awards - the submission period for the 2021 Clearie Awards will open in January and feature a new online submission form as well as two new categories! More information will be coming soon.
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day will be January 25, 2022! More details and resources are coming soon.
Language Access Summit February 17 - this summit is meant to assist election officials in their role in serving language minority voters to participate in the electoral process. This summit will provide election officials with practical tools and resources to meet Section 203 requirements.
The Help America Vote Act turns 20 in 2022! The EAC will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of HAVA throughout the year with special video series, resources, and more.
Year in Review
In 2021, the EAC added and updated a wide variety of resources for election officials.
The Election Terminology Glossary has been updated with nearly 1,300 terms and is available in 20 languages.
Election Audits Across the United States provides insights on the different types of audits, timing, policies, case studies, as well as state-specific information.
Best Practices: FAQs and FAQ Toolkits are designed to assist election officials in creating (or improving) FAQs for their websites. Additionally, the toolkit provides social media guides that election officials can use to quickly promote their FAQs as a trusted source of information.
Best Practices: Chain of Custody provides best practices, checklists, and sample forms for maintaining a proper chain of custody related to the successful operation of an election but is not meant to be comprehensive of every election process.
The Local Election Officials' Guide to Redistricting provides general guidance to assist election officials when making technical changes to precinct and district information in election systems.
EAC's Testing and Certification Program overview helps educate election officials on their options for participating in the testing and certification process.
Best Practices: Accessible Voter Registration is a guide that highlights the primary barriers to accessibility in the voter registration process and provide best practices to help ensure voters with disabilities have equal access to this crucial first step of the voting experience.
The Voting Access for Native Americans: Case Studies & Best Practices document includes information on best practices to serve Native American voters, and tips on administering non-tribal elections in areas where federally recognized tribal governments are located.
The Native American Voters and Disability Access one-pager covers the election administration challenges and solutions surrounding the intersectionality between the Native American and disability communities.
EAC 2021 Milestones
VVSG 2.0 passage and implementation
On February 10, 2021, the EAC Commissioners unanimously passed the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) 2.0. The testing and certification team continue to work on implementation of the new guidelines, and public comment recently closed on the Lifecycle Policy for VVSG.
2020 EAVS and improvements for 2022 EAVS
The EAC is working to improve EAVS for 2022. These improvements will include: data collection, verification processes, and the presentation of data in addition to the final report.
Grants software to help with reporting
The EAC has selected HHS’ GrantSolutions grants administration software as a service to improve and automate its grants administration functions so more time can be spent for strategic activities and technical support to grantees. Utilization of a grant system will reduce grantee time spent on administrative activities; freeing up staff time to execute and oversee grant activities.