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March 2023 EAC Monthly Updates and Events

Monday, March 06, 2023

 In this edition of the newsletter, we’re excited to feature:  

  • Commissioner Christy McCormick begins her term as EAC Chairwoman 

  • EAC Commissioner Thomas Hicks Hosts Election Security Virtual Panel 

  • Poll Worker Recruitment Roundtable Discussion Recap 

  • Local Leadership Council (LLC) Passes Initial Committee Bylaws 

  • Upcoming EAC Events: March 15: " Official Voter List Accuracy and List Maintenance” EAC Public Meeting 


 Commissioner Christy McCormick Begins Term as EAC Chairwoman 

On February 24, Commissioner Christy McCormick began her year-long tenure as Chairwoman of the EAC; a position she has held twice before during her time at the agency. She will serve alongside Commissioner Benjamin Hovland, who also began his year-long term as Vice Chair of the agency. They both continue to serve alongside EAC Commissioners Donald Palmer and Thomas Hicks. 

Chairwoman McCormick identified the following areas she would like to build on as priorities for the agency in the coming year, including:  

  • Producing work to support election administrators as they prepare for upcoming elections. This includes efforts to enhance election security, sharing best election practices, and supporting other key areas of election administration.  

  • Increasing EAC’s initiatives regarding accessibility for voters with disabilities. This includes increased resources and staff dedicated to accessibility.   

  • Working with election officials and stakeholders to utilize the data from the 2022 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) that will be released this summer.  

  • Providing states with guidance to invest HAVA funding into mission critical purchases such as new election equipment to replace the nation’s aging election systems.   

Chairwoman McCormick assumes the role in place of outgoing Chairman Thomas Hicks, whose term spanned February 2022 through February 2023. More information can be found in the EAC’s press release announcing the transition. 


EAC Commissioner Hicks Hosts Virtual Election Official Security Panel with Members of the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections 

EAC Commissioner Thomas Hicks led a panel discussion on election official security with Veronica Degraffenreid, Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships for the Brennan Center of Justice, and former Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth in Pennsylvania and Director of Election Operations in North Carolina; Tina Barton, Senior Election Expert for The Elections Group, and former Michigan City Clerk; and Justin Smith, a former Sheriff of Larimer County, Colorado. The participants are also members of the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE)(link is external), which works to support practices and policies that protect election officials and voters from threats, intimidation, and violence.   

The discussion focused on how threats to election officials affect their mental health and the ability to do their jobs. The panel also provided tips for election officials as they plan for upcoming elections and work to develop relationships with law enforcement. These tips, along with other CSSE resources for election administrators and law enforcement, are available in the panel discussion video(link is external) and accompanying blog.   

The EAC also provides election official security resources on our website, including best practices, mental health resources, guidance on reporting threats, and more. 


EAC Holds Public Roundtable Discussion on Poll Worker Recruitment   

On February 8, the EAC held a public roundtable discussion focused on poll worker recruitment, training, and programs. Poll worker recruitment and retention continue to be a challenge for many state and local election offices throughout the country. 

The EAC Commissioners moderated two panels— “Election Office Innovations in Poll Worker Recruitment” and “External Recruitment Efforts for Poll Workers,” on best practices and innovative ways that community members and students can be engaged to fill these roles. Panelists included representatives from the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), Vet the Vote, Suffolk University, as well as local elections offices including Minneapolis, MN; Escambia County, FL; James City County, VA; and Duval County, FL. 

If you missed this roundtable discussion, it is available to watch on the EAC’s YouTube Channel(link is external)


Feb. 21: Local Leadership Council Bylaws Meeting recap   

On February 21, the EAC’s Local Leadership Council (LLC) approved the committee’s initial Bylaws during its virtual meeting. The LLC Bylaws establish the guidelines for the conduct of council members, meetings, and subcommittees. The Bylaws also address topics such as the process for calling and conducting meetings, the establishment of committees, the structure of the Executive Committee, the makeup of Regional Committees, and the process of holding elections.    

LLC members provide recommendations and feedback to the EAC on a range of subjects including voter registration, voting system user practices, ballot administration (programming, printing, and logistics), processing, accounting, canvassing, chain of custody, certifying results, and auditing.   

The EAC appoints two members from each state to the 100-member LLC after soliciting nominations from each state’s election official professional association. 

A recording of the February 21 LLC meeting, which also include discussions on the committee’s organizational structure and the logistics of future LLC annual meetings, can be found on the EAC’s YouTube channel(link is external).   


EAC Partners with Federal Election Commission on Panel for Black History Month 

(Photo Credit: FEC)  

On February 21, EAC Commissioner Thomas Hicks joined Federal Election Commission (FEC) Commissioner Shana Broussard in moderating the FEC’s panel, “On Account of Race, Color, or Precious Condition of Servitude: Black History and Democracy’s Future.” Professors from George Washington University Law School and Rutgers Law School participated in the conversation with a former Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The panel discussed topics including multiracial democracy, candidate pool diversity, barriers to casting a vote, and more. 

Watch the event recording on the FEC’s website(link is external)


Save the Date! 

Attend the EAC’s Public Meeting about Voter List Maintenance on March 15, 2023 

On March 15, 2023, join the EAC for a public meeting in the agency’s hearing room at 1 p.m. E.T. This discussion will focus on how different jurisdictions manage voter list maintenance, the challenges they face, and best practices. This event will be held in person at 633 3rd Street NW, Washington, DC 20001, and will also be live streamed on the EAC's YouTube channel(link is external).  

Register to attend this event in person and learn more on the event’s webpage. Registration for virtual attendance is not required. 

Clearies Update: Winners to be Announced this Spring  

The deadline to submit entries for the 2022 Clearinghouse Awards, also known as “Clearies,” was February 28. The EAC received a total of 101 entries! Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply. Judges from the EAC’s advisory boards will be reviewing all the innovative and creative submissions, and winners will be announced this spring. Information on winners and their best practices will be available at