February 24, 2022
Commissioner Thomas Hicks Begins Term as
U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chairman
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Commissioner Thomas Hicks began his year-long term as Chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). Chairman Hicks will serve alongside Commissioner Christy McCormick, who simultaneously begins her year-long term as Vice Chair of the agency. They both continue to serve alongside EAC Commissioners Ben Hovland and Donald Palmer.
“I am honored to take on this role during a critical election year, helping to ensure the EAC continues to fulfill its mission – providing valuable resources for state and local election administrators, voters, and stakeholders. I plan to spend the coming year strengthening the support we provide to the dedicated constituents across the country who are on the ground managing our elections,” said EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks. “I also look forward to working with my fellow Commissioners and the staff of the EAC to ensure all elections remain safe, secure, accessible, and accurate.”
Chairman Hicks identified the following areas he would like to build on as priorities for the agency in the coming year, including:
Continue the implementation of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 and advance efforts to make the first VVSG 2.0 certified voting system available for election offices.
Advance the electronic poll book (e-poll book) pilot testing program to increase security of this election supporting technology.
Increase the EAC’s initiatives regarding accessibility for voters with disabilities. This includes increased research and resources that can improve the accessibility of elections for all voters.
Develop additional enhanced customer service, materials, and communications for election officials so they have timely, relevant resources available to improve the administration of elections and service to voters.
Chairman Hicks assumes the Chairman role in place of outgoing Chairman Donald Palmer, whose term spanned February 2021 through February 2022.
“Over the last year, the agency made significant progress fulfilling its mission to improve the efficient administration of federal elections. In this time, the EAC continued the administration of $805 million in HAVA security grants to 56 states and territories, as well as $400 million in CARES Act grants. One of the biggest developments in 2021 was the start of a pilot program to assist election officials as they continue to expand their use of electronic poll books. The EAC also hosted many virtual events, celebrated the second annual National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, and secured increased funding for agency operations," said outgoing Chairman Donald Palmer. “The COVID-19 pandemic continued to create unforeseen challenges in 2021, but thanks to the dedication of state and local election officials, elections in 2021 ran smoothly with little disruption. I look forward to continuing to work alongside my fellow Commissioners and election officials across the country as we strive to improve election administration for the coming year and beyond."
Chairman Hicks’ bio is available at EAC.gov.
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) was established by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). It is an independent, bipartisan commission charged with ensuring secure, accurate and accessible elections by developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and serving as a national clearinghouse of information on election administration. The EAC also accredits testing laboratories and certifies voting systems, as well as administers the use of HAVA funds. For more information, visit www.eac.gov.
Contact: Kristen Muthig
Phone: 202-897-9285
Email: [email protected]