Oregon Online Voter Registration
Oregon offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: http://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/registration.aspx?lang=en.
Oregon offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: http://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/registration.aspx?lang=en.
Oklahoma does offer online voter registration but for updates only NOT first time registration.
For information on how to register to vote for the first time or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration information webpage: https://www.ok.gov/elections/Voter_Info/Register_to_Vote/index.html.
Ohio offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://olvr.sos.state.oh.us/.
New York offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://dmv.ny.gov/org/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application.
New Mexico offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://portal.sos.state.nm.us/OVR/WebPages/Instructionsstep1.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.
Nevada offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://www.nvsos.gov/sosvoterservices/Registration/Step0.aspx.
Nebraska offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://www.nebraska.gov/apps-sos-voter-registration/.
Missouri offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/register
Minnesota offers online voter registration. To register or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration webpage: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/register-to-vote/.
Michigan does offer online voter registration but for updates only NOT first time registration.
For information on how to register to vote or update your registration, visit the state's voter registration information webpage: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,1607,7-127-1633_8716_8726_47669-175878--,00.html.