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Yes, you may hire temporary staff under these circumstances and to provide additional temporary help to process returned ballots.

Yes, those would be allowable costs, with the caveat that you need to ensure the costs are allocated to the grant in appropriate proportions.  If you decide to lease the equipment, you must also follow requirements in Section 200.465 of 2 CFR which outline circumstances you should consider in determining whether to lease or buy the equipment.

Yes, those would be allowable costs.  However, please be aware that you must also ensure you have appropriate security measures in place (tokens, VPN access only, etc.) if they will be accessing your shared system.

Yes, unanticipated costs to lease polling facilities are allowable costs.

Yes, costs to communicate changes in voting processes due to the pandemic are allowable costs. Keep in mind that HAVA funds can be used to provide information on voting procedures, rights or technology. Items intended to “get out the vote” or merely encourage voting do not meet this requirement.

You may use any of the funds. However, you cannot use remaining 251 funds for this purpose unless you have already met all the requirements in Title III or the amount will be minimal as defined in Section 251(b)2 of HAVA.  The EAC has already awarded your 2020 funds and the project period in the Notice of Grant Award you received began on December 21, 2019. Any expenditures you incur after that date can be claimed against the grant. When you submit your narrative and budget you can describe how you have used or plan to use the funds to secure federal elections during this pandemic. 


Wednesday, July 05, 2023

548 Market Street, Suite 53001

San Francisco
Jessica Myers
Director of Certification and Voter Access

VVSG Requirements Comment Period Opens

The EAC initiated a 90-day public comment period on the VVSG 2.0 Requirements, which will run through June 22, 2020.

Start Time
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 5:28 PM
End Time
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 5:28 PM
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