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Press Releases

Press Release - EAC Chairman Calls for Full Disclosure of Election Security Intelligence

I encourage those federal agencies that have specific intelligence or resources that could help election officials better secure the election process to share that information with state and local officials as soon as possible. This information is critical to ensuring the continued security of the process moving forward.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Press Releases

U.S. Election Assistance Commission Board of Advisors Elects New Leaders

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) Board of Advisors elected new officers during its May 23-24 meeting in Minneapolis. The newly elected officers include Board Chair Sarah Ball Johnson, who is the City Clerk for Colorado Springs, Colo., Board Vice Chair Michael Winn, who is Director of Elections for Travis County, Tex., and Board Secretary Michael Yaki, who is a Commissioner with the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

EAC Commissioners Underscore Importance of Election Accessibility in Joint Statement Celebrating 27th Anniversary of ADA

U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chairman Matthew V. Masterson, Vice Chair Thomas Hicks, and Commissioner Christy McCormick today issued a joint statement marking the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and noting the importance accessibility protections afforded voters as a result of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Press Releases

EAC Promotes National Disability Voter Registration Week

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) today extended support for the country’s first National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) taking place July 11-15,2016. The effort is spearheaded by the 2016 REV Up Campaign, which stands for “Register! Educate! Vote!,” a national drive to get people with disabilities registered to vote and raise awareness about disability rights issues and the importance of the disability vote.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alert - ​EAC Cybersecurity Guidance and Recommendations

Consistent with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s commitment to providing state and local election administrators with the information they need to ensure secure, accessible and accurate elections, the commission is issuing the following alert to state and local election officials
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Fact Sheet

FACT SHEET: Voter Registration List Maintenance

An important part of the EAC’s mission is to support state and local election officials in their efforts to ensure accessible, accurate and secure elections. This fact sheet highlights how states conduct list maintenance, the importance of accurate voter registration lists, and the National Voter Registration Act’s provisions to ensure voter lists are maintained. It also gives guidance for voters wishing to proactively check the status of their own voter registration.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Fact Sheet

FACT SHEET: Election Administration and Voting Survey

Elections generate a tremendous amount of data that can be collected and analyzed to improve voter experience and guide how officials administer elections. All of this data is collected regularly by the thousands of jurisdictions that oversee elections across the country. Since 2004 the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has captured and analyzed much of this data for all states and territories via our Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS).
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Testing & Certification

U.S. EAC Certifies Modifications to OpenElect Voting System

Silver Spring, Md. – The Election Assistance Commission today certified a modification to Unisyn Voting Solutions, Inc.’s OpenElect Voting System voting system, verifying its compliance with current federal standards. The determination came after a thorough test campaign conducted by EAC and Pro V&V in Huntsville, Ala., the commission’s newest testing lab.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
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