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Commissioner Thomas Hicks

Making Registration Accessible for All

I’ve met countless voters across the nation and often hear stories about the unacceptable obstacles many have faced when registering to vote. Many voters face such obstacles because they have a disability and because an election worker, or a team of election workers, didn’t know how best to serve them. However, many jurisdictions are implementing innovative programs to address this issue.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Election Administration

Voter List Maintenance: News and Updates

In the coming weeks, the EAC will revisit some of the efforts made by election officials to keep voter rolls accurate, as well as highlight and update related research and news. Today, we focus on Virginia and its detailed information on how voter list maintenance is conducted.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Maintenance Monday

List Maintenance: Wrapped Up, But Never Done

Accurate voter lists are essential to voter confidence in the electoral process. That’s why we recently focused a series of events, blogs, and other activities on helping state and local election leaders maintain accurate voter registration lists.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Vice-Chair Masterson: #BeReady16

Last month at the meeting of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) here in Washington, DC EAC rolled out the initial phase of our #BeReady16 campaign. #BeReady16 is an effort by the EAC to provide a broad level of information and support to election officials in the areas that are most pressing during this presidential election year.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Vice-Chair Masterson: Election Official as an IT Manager

Earlier this week I traveled to Columbia, South Carolina with EAC Testing and Certification Director Brian Hancock and Merle King from the Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State University, at the invitation of SC Election Director Marci Andino, to teach a class to election officials from across the state entitled "Introduction to Information Technology for Election Officials".
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Vice-Chair Masterson: Improve Experience for Voters With Disabilities

Last week the EAC held a public hearing to continue exploring ways to improve the voting experience for voters with disabilities. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Commission to hear from voters with disabilities about successes they’ve experienced since HAVA and the challenges they continue to face. We also heard from election officials who are tackling those challenges head on and working to improve access.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Vice-Chair Masterson: The Power of Language Access

At the summit Lance Gough, Director of Elections for the City of Chicago and Mee Moua from Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) gave summit talks. Their words do a far better job summing up the day and importance of that work than I ever could.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Vice-Chair Masterson: Legends of Elections

As we move one day closer to Election Day, I am reminded of one of the best pieces of wisdom ever shared with me. Former Ohio state and local election official Keith Cunningham liked to remind me, "…The one thing an election official can’t get more of is time. It’s their most precious resource." Election officials are savoring every hour, minute and second they have before Election Day ensuring every detail is managed, every system tested and secured and all registrations are entered.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
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