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Commissioner Christy McCormick

Election Efficiency & Integrity: Improving the Voter Experience

With so much available data, figuring out how to analyze and use it can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Ways to use the EAVS and other election research to improve elections will be the focus of the panel “Election Efficiency & Integrity: Improving the Voter Experience” during next month’s EAC Summit: The 2018 Federal Election. This morning, the EAC announced the four expert panelists who join me for this discussion.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS)

EAC Releases New EAVS Data Interactive

This week, the EAC released our first-ever Data Interactive using survey responses to the 2016 Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS). For the first time, election officials, academics, advocates, and other stakeholders can examine specific EAVS data not just at the state level, but at the local level as well.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Witnessing the First Statewide Risk-Limiting Audit

The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office and Arapahoe County allowed a few dozen people from across the nation to assist with the first statewide risk-limiting audit (RLA) in Colorado. EAC staff and leadership, including Chairman Matthew Masterson, Commissioner Hicks, Jerome Lovato and Ryan Macias, were among this crowd.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Voting Accessibility

Georgia’s Secretary of State: Front-line Leadership in Helping Veterans Vote

As the EAC wraps up our observance of National Veterans and Military Families Month, we spoke to Marine Corps Reserve Capt. Matt Mallalieu, Military Liaison for Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, about Secretary Kemp’s commitment to helping active duty service members and veterans across the Peach State.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Former Commissioner Matthew Masterson

Town Hall Meeting Connects Commissioners, Voters with Disabilities

Last week, Commissioner Christy McCormick and I, along with state and local election officials from Washington State, conducted a town hall discussion with voters with disabilities. The event took place at the 23rd annual conference of the Association of Programs for Rural and Independent Living (APRIL), in Spokane, Washington.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Commissioner Thomas Hicks

Cybersecurity: “Detect, Defend, and Recover” at Heart of EAC’s Work

This week, I had the opportunity to address members of Congress about the work the U.S. Election Assistance Commission is doing to help America vote. My remarks came just days before the 15th anniversary of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which was enacted on October 29, 2002. That legislation created the EAC and remains the steadfast compass for our commission’s work.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS)

Data-Driven Conversations and the EAVS

Auburn University and the Election Center hosted the “Inclusion & Integrity in Election Administration Symposium,” a series of data-driven conversations focused on improving the Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS). Panelists and those attending shared great insight and feedback about the EAVS and how the EAC could make the data more meaningful for election officials.
Friday, October 20, 2017
National Voter Registration Day

The Power of a Single Vote

In the political realm, unfortunately, our nation has become more and more divided. While close elections are not new, in recent years it seems more and more elections are divided by fewer and fewer votes. But like the townspeople who were divided over the fire truck, we CAN put aside political differences and be united. Along with our American will-help, can-do spirit, something that still unites us politically is that we believe in the power of the voting booth.
Monday, September 11, 2017
National Voter Registration Day

REGISTRATION->PARTICIPATION: Making Registration Accessible to All Americans

As National Voter Registration Day approaches on September 26, I would be remiss not to write a blog about the importance of registering to vote and making sure that all Americans are equally afforded that right. This is especially true for Americans with disabilities, men and women who are more likely to be turned away from registration because election workers are not properly trained on how to best serve this community.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Voting Accessibility

Crunching the Numbers to Help Voters with Disabilities and Election Officials

As the EAC wraps up our July series on the recognition of innovations in election accessibility, we caught up with Professors Lisa Schur and Douglas Kruse of Rutgers University. They recently issued a report entitled, “Disability and Turnout in the 2016 Election.” As in their past reports, the findings are invaluable additions of ways to improve the voting process for people with disabilities.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
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