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Contact your state comptroller’s office immediately to identify the debtor agency and have the offset amount returned to your HAVA grant. It is important to identify the source of the debt and ensure the state makes a transfer for the full amount authorized by EAC as soon as possible. Any delay in getting the funds returned may cause additional funds to be owed because the full amount EAC disbursed must start earning interest from the date it is deposited in state accounts.  If a lesser amount is deposited due to an offset, the state must make the grant whole for both the offset amount and the interest lost caused by the delay in the deposit of the full disbursed amount. Delays in resolving offsets can result in significant lost interest.

The U.S. Treasury can offset a federal award to collect a debt owed by the state. The debt can be collected from any award regardless of the state agency that owed the debt. There have been a few times that HAVA grants have been offset for debts owed by other agencies. The EAC is not notified if HAVA grants are offset and does not have access to information about the offset. The U.S. Treasury department sends regular reports to the State Comptrollers about offsets.  Those reports identify the agency responsible for the debt, the agency whose federal award was decreased to pay the debt, the amount of the offset, and contact information for the agency responsible for the debt.

ES&S ECO 1141

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Testing Lab
Impacted Device/System


Windows 10, Windows Server 2016

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

This ECO addresses the Critical Vulnerability CVE-2021-34527, also known as PrintNightmare, in the Windows Operating System. It also updates antivirus definitions for the applicable EVS systems.

Additional Documentation

HRT 01538

Friday, September 22, 2023
Impacted Device/System

All Verity Voting systems

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

New COTS HP P24v G4 monitor for Verity workstations due to end-of-life of the current HP P24 G4 24 monitor.

HRT 01529

Friday, September 22, 2023
Impacted Device/System

Verity Voting Devices that use 2.25" wide thermal printer

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Adds two additional sources for the thermal paper rolls for use in this printer, to reduce delays due to vendor shortages.

UNS 17050

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Testing Lab
Impacted Device/System

OpenElect Voting Optical (OVO) 2.2

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Addresses an issue where two concurrent close sessions can be initated.  Two lines of code are added to prevent this.

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