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Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Testing Lab
Impacted Device/System

ImageCast Precinct 2 on D-Suite 5.5-B, 5.5-C

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Added new Fujitsu thermal printer microcontroller due to the previous Fujitsu microcontroller version being commercially unavailable

Additional Documentation

We follow the process set up in the Help America Vote Act in Section 101(d)(2) which is summarized below:   

Step 1. A minimum amount is distributed at first to all the states and territories, 1/2 of one percent to the states and 1/10 of one percent to the territories.​ 

Step 2. The remainder of the amount appropriated is allocated based on the percentage of voting age population in the state. Per HAVA, the population numbers are from the current published decennial census.

Step 3. There is also a minimum amount per state set in HAVA or the current appropriation act.   If there are states and territories that fall below that minimum after the allocation is made based on voting age population, the law calls for a prorated reduction from larger states to bring the smaller ones up to the minimum. 

Note: As of March 1, 2022, the most current decennial census data for the states is the 2020 Census and the most current data for the territories is the 2010 Census.  If grant funding must be distributed before the territory data is published for the 2020 Census, the EAC would make formula awards using hybrid data combining the 2020 and 2010 census.   

Democracy Suite 5.5-D

Tuesday, January 02, 2024
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Testing Lab
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Certified System
Testing Application Date
Testing Status
System Certified
Application Accepted Date

UNS 1026

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Testing Lab
Impacted Device/System

OpenElect 2.2 - Freedom Vote Scan

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Update current fan manufacturer to alternate manufacturer due to current model becoming unavailable for purchase.

Additional Documentation

UNS 1025

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Testing Lab
Impacted Device/System

OpenElect 2.2 

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Updated Transport Media flash drive to 4GB from 1GB, which is no longer commercially available.

Additional Documentation

EAC issues debt collection letters at closeout, if there are unexpended funds that need to be returned, or to collect disallowed costs based on an OIG audit finding. Debts must be paid within 90 days of receiving the debt collection letter. The EAC will charge interest and fees on an overdue debt in accordance with the Federal Claims Standards (31 CFR parts 900 through 999).

Questioned costs are expenses that are questioned by the auditor because of an audit finding (See 2 CFR 200.84). A questioned cost: 1) may result from a violation or possible violation of a state, regulation, or terms and conditions of a federal award, 2) may not be supported by adequate documentation, or 3) may appear unreasonable (does not reflect the actions that a prudent person would take in the circumstances).

Audit resolution is complete and the EAC can close the audit when all required corrective action described in the management decision is complete. That process must be completed within 12 months of the date the OIG issues the audit. However, in most cases, corrective action should be completed much sooner. The management decision includes timelines for completion of any action that is still outstanding when the management decision is issued. Management decisions must be issued within ?? months of the date the audit report is issued.

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