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Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Impacted Device/System

Verity Voting 2.4, 2.5, 2.6

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

ECO-01500 describes a configuration modification to allow for optional
tabletop deployment of standard Verity Touch Writer Duo and Touch Writer Duo Standalone devices,
rather than only on a Verity Standard Booth. There are no changes to the voting device hardware or
software to support this change.

HRT-01447, 01494

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Impacted Device/System

Verity Voting Ballot Box

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

Mechanical improvements to components of the Ballot Box in response to feedback received from customers and manufacturing.

There are many processes and procedures in place to assure the public that the outcome of elections can be trusted. Election officials often receive state training and professional instruction in election administration.  Almost every part of the election process requires the participation of two or more trained officials who’ve sworn an oath to uphold all election laws and protect the security of the election. Election observers, sometimes called “poll watchers,” may also be present to monitor or observe the election. 

Voting machines, including ballot scanners are tested and certified to certain accuracy standards. Most states require logic and accuracy tests on voting systems prior to each election. In addition to pre-election testing, most states also require audits after every election. During an audit, election officials review paper ballots to confirm the accuracy of the machine count. Audits ensure the ballots were counted as voters intended and that the results of the election are reliable. More information about audits can be found in the EAC report Election Audits Across the United States.  

Visit for quick links to your state or territory’s elections website for information about how ballots are counted in your state. 

The security of voting systems is essential to trustworthy elections. The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) develops voluntary voting system guidelines (VVSG), which are a set of specifications and requirements, including security and integrity standards, that voting systems must meet in order to receive certification. The EAC also accredits voting labs that test voting systems to these standards. Participation in the EAC testing and certification program is voluntary, but most states use the EAC’s testing and certification program. States may also choose to enact stricter requirements for voting systems.  

Every state and local jurisdiction utilizes common-sense procedures and tools to safeguard the voting process and ensure its election results can be trusted. Common best practices include using locks, tamper-evident seals, security cameras, system testing before and after elections, audits, and physical and cybersecurity access controls. Each state also has a chief election official who ensures these laws and procedures are strictly followed.  

Common security measures for voting systems: 

  • Purchasing tested and certified voting systems 

  • Programming all devices according to local laws and regulations 

  • Testing the accuracy of voting equipment before elections 

  • Conducting elections with bipartisan poll workers and observers 

  • Verifying the total number of voted ballots matches the total number of voters 

  • Auditing the ballots to ensure that the voting equipment counted votes accurately 

  • Documenting and verifying by at least two (ideally bipartisan) witnesses the transfer of all ballots and voting equipment from one team or place to the next  

  • Maintaining physical security access controls 

Ballots always remain in the custody of the local election officials conducting the election. Ballots are also required to be securely stored after the election so that they can be reviewed as part of an audit or recount. For more information about election security, see:

Visit for quick links to your state or territory’s elections website for information about election security in your state. 

Election officials count as many ballots on election night as possible, but election night results are unofficial and never final. Each state has different rules for when mail, provisional, and military and overseas ballots can be counted. For example, some states require all mail ballots to be received by Election Day. Others allow mail ballots to be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day and received by a certain date.   

Once all the ballots have been received, the canvass begins. This process usually involves analyzing vote totals to identify and resolve any discrepancies between the number of voters and the number of ballots cast. Most states also conduct audits to further verify the vote totals are accurate.   

Once the canvass (and in many states, audits) has been completed, the election results are certified as final. For more information about election results, canvass and certification, see:  

Some races or contests may be recounted after the certification process because the contest was close or a candidate or interest group requests it. Recounts differ from audits in that every ballot in a contest or a subset of contests in the election is recounted, and the official results of the election may change as a result.   

Preliminary election results are transmitted by local jurisdictions to state election officials after the polls close on Election Day. Unofficial results are then posted on the state’s election website and reported to the media. Those preliminary results may change after Election Day as election officials continue to count all eligible ballots, including provisional ballots, absentee and mail ballots, and ballots cast by military and overseas voters. Once all ballots are counted, reconciled, and certified in what is called a canvass, final results are posted and reported, which may take several days or sometimes weeks. 

Visit for quick links to your state or territory’s elections website for information about state election results. 

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