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HRT - 01461

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Impacted Device/System

VerityVoting 2.5 Devices: Controller, Print, Scan, Scan w/Relay, Touch, Touch Writer, Touch Writer Duo, Touch Writer Duo Standalone

Date Approved by EAC
Short Description of Changes

This ECO modifies the device Operating System procedure to create the pagefile.sys file on devices in Verity Voting 2.5 after the Unified Write Filter (UWF) is applied.

Yes, once we determine the award amount that is to be returned to EAC, we will adjust your next FFR to reflect the decrease in federal award and the required match will be applied according to the updated federal award


Yes, your minimum required state obligations is based on your total federal expenditures. At closeout, if you have not expended the full amount of federal funding available, your state obligation would be reduced accordingly. 

See also "I received a debt collection letter, why am I getting this?"

Yes, unexpended federal interest earned on an EAC grant must be returned to the agency. Grantees may retain up to $500 of the unexpected federal interest for administrative costs. 

For annual and mid-year reports you should have this content ready for reporting. For the final report, you can summarize the data in the narrative and supplement later with an inventory list as part of the closeout process.  You can state that you intend to do that within your response.

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